Kwara State Tech Hub Gets Solar Power Boost


At the Makers and Leaders Hub, a technology hub in Ilorin, Kwara State, the Akomolafe Foundation, in partnership with the Governance Advancement Initiative of Nigeria, has donated and installed a solar energy system.

Kalmaldeen Kehinde, the managing partner of MALhub, stated that the donation by the two non-governmental organisations was focused on addressing the continual challenge of the unpredictable power supply hindering technological advancement in the region.

He stated that, despite efforts to develop local tech talent, the hub struggled with an unpredictable power supply.

He admired the collaborative effort between the NGOs, which is a great advancement and a new era of sustainability for the hub, making learning and innovation possible.

Kehinde declared that the intervention would go a long way in enabling the hub to consistently train aspiring entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts in a conducive and efficient learning environment.

The hub’s operations lead, Cynthia Okafor, while speaking with journalists,  added that, before the installation of the solar system, the learning experience of participants and tech enthusiasts was disrupted by unreliable power supplies and generator noise.

“There were times when we could be in the middle of a coding session and suddenly, the power would cut out,” Okafor said.

According to the President of the Femi Akomolafe Foundation, the tech hub’s role in developing human capacity and creating a viable workforce for the future is recognised by the Akomolafe Foundation through its workshops and training sessions.

“We believe that access to reliable power is crucial for educational equity, particularly in the tech sector. It is the key to equipping our future workforce with the skills they need to compete on a global stage,” he added.

The co-founder of GAIN, Dr Leke Otunuga, spoke on the societal impact of the solar project.

He said, “The youth population in Nigeria is roughly above 55 per cent. Engaging with the Akomolafe Foundation to provide solar solutions to Nigeria’s notorious power problem means two things: one, the GAIN is helping to engage, empower, and enable the youth to harness and positively direct their creative and natural energy for overall national development. Two, we help the youth get positively engaged and stay off criminal activities.”



Punch/Chidimma Gold


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