2023 Inauguration: National Mosque Set For Public Lecture, Jummu’ah Prayer

By Fatima Hassan, Abuja

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As preparation for the inauguration of the incoming administration intensifies in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, the Chief Imam of the Abuja national Mosque, Muhammed-Kabir Adam says all is set for the special Jummu’ah prayer for the inauguration of new government,  come May 29TH.

Imam Adam who gave the assurance in an interview with Voice Of Nigeria in Abuja, said the prayer was for the country to have a smooth transition between the outgoing government and the incoming  administration.

He says, “The prayer will be  conducted for the presidential inauguration, we will pray to Allah to  protect this country, shower his blessings on this country and also pray to Almighty Allah to guide our leaders, let them lead with justice and let them do all they could do to make sure that common man of this country lives a good life.”
The Chief Imam also stressed the need for public office holders to uphold justice and fairness while governing the country.

He noted that Nigeria had experience a series of conflicts which caused many people lives and properties.

“When Almighty Allah give someone position in whatever kind, that position is a trust, so everybody should fear Allah in managing the affairs of the trust that was giving to them by him,” the Imam said.

The Cleric advised Nigerians irrespective of their political affiliations to intensify prayers for the nation’s democracy to thrive.

”Nigerians should be responsible and have the fear of Allah they should preserve governmental affairs as a trust by discharging their task diligently.” the Imam added.



Confidence Okwuchi

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