2024 Hajj: FCT completes airlift of Pilgrims to Saudi Arabia

Hudu Yakubu, Makkah 


The Nigerian Federal Capital Territory Muslims Pilgrims Welfare Board has completed the airlift of Pilgrims who registered through the board for this year’s pilgrimage to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement signed by the Public Relations Officer of the Board, Mohammed Aliyu Lawal and made available to Journalists in Saudi Arabia, said the last flight departed Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja, at 02:01 hrs Nigeria time to Madinah on 31st May 2024.

The Board image maker noted that the flight, Air Peace _APK7946_ contained two hundred and sixty-five FCT Pilgrims and four others.

Mohammed Lawal added that the flight was comprised of one hundred and sixty-one (161) male Pilgrims and one hundred and four (104) female Pilgrims.

Also Read: Hajj 2024: FCT Minister Of State Inaugurates 7-Man Committee

The Public Relations Officer of the Board who hinted that the plane has landed in Madinah safely with the Pilgrims, added that they have since commenced sites visitation in Madinah before leaving for Makkah for the Hajj proper.

He enjoined the Pilgrims to be law-abiding citizens when observing their Hajj rites in the holy land throughout the spiritual period.

It would be recalled that the board commenced the airlift of Pilgrims to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the 15th of May, 2024.

The Board has a total number of two thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight (2958) Pilgrims who have registered for this year’s Hajj rites with the board and have since completed their airlift to Saudi Arabia for the Pilgrimage. It has a total of ten flights.

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