
National Convention: ‘No victor, no vanquished’ says APC Chieftain

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A chieftain of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Taraba, Chief David Kente, says there is no victor or vanquished candidate in the contest for party executives in the just-concluded National Convention of the APC.

Kente, who is also a governorship aspirant in Taraba, said this while speaking to journalists on Sunday at the Abuja Eagle Square, the venue of the APC convention.

He congratulated Sen. Abdullahi Adamu, the newly elected National Chairman of the party, on his emergence and other members of the newly elected National Working Committee (NWC) of the APC.

“For the APC family, the contest for party offices does not produce winners and losers; we are all winners because our primary interest is strengthening the party.

“Let me on behalf of our great party congratulate those who have emerged as our national officers, you are all welcome on board,” he said.

The Taraba business mogul commended the fair play of other aspirants, especially those who stepped down to pave the way for consensus candidates in the party’s interest.

He urged APC members, especially from Taraba, to remain committed and be prepared to continue to work for the party’s interest in the state and the country.

He advised stakeholders of the party to ensure discipline within its fold and be guided against conduct that could bring it into disrepute.

“We must be a party where internal discipline is supreme and a guiding anchor of our processes, we must eschew bickering and remain united in pursuing our goals.

“As members of a great party, we must resist the temptation to allow inordinate ambition and what appears to be a growing obsession with the politics of succession.

“Each and everyone of us, have an obligation to ensure that our party remained a party of values and fresh ideas,” Kente stressed.

Further reports state that the APC national convention is the climax of a process that started with Ward, Local Government, and State Congresses.

On the whole, they contested 78 positions at the convention, including NWC and non NWC members.


NAN/E/Suzan O.

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