Youths Call For Suspension of INEC Electoral Officer In Nasarawa State

By Amina Mohammed, Lafia

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A group of youths in Nasarawa Eggon Local Government Area of Nasarawa State called on the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC to remove the Electoral Officer of the area.

They made the call during a peaceful protest in Lafia the Nasarawa State capital.

A spokesperson for the protesters, Hon. Musa Shambu who visited the state Government House and INEC office headquarters in Lafia alleged that allowing the Electoral Officer in the area would truncate free, fair, and credible elections.

Peaceful protest

According to Shambu, “we heard that the electoral officer has been suspended, yet he continues to come to the office.

“We don’t want him to be coming to the office due to his record during the presidential election”, he added.

Addressing the youths at the main gate of Government House in Lafia, Governor Abdullahi Sule urged them to be calm, as he commended the peaceful protest they staged to present their complaint.

You have truly demonstrated that you are peaceful people. What you said you have as evidence should be kept well for when the need arises.”

Sule further said he would investigate the matter to know whether the electoral officer has been suspended or not.

Also, the protesting youths presented a letter containing their grievances against the embattled Electoral Officer to INEC Administrative Secretary Mallam Usman Wase who promised to take it to the appropriate channel for attention.


Lateefah Ibrahim

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