African youths attend technology training in China

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A group of young people from Africa have been attending training sessions at the Luban Workshop in China’s Tianjin Municipality.

Named after the ancient woodcraft master, Lu Ban, it aims to share Chinese technology and experience through hands-on learning.

Handiso Selamu Yisihak, an Ethiopian member of the workshops’ training personnel, said that high-end technologies and practical education makes the workshop different from other programmes.

“The first thing is, the Luban Workshop system and the training centres contain high-end technologies. You will practice immediately what you have learned,” he said.

Many of the youngsters attending the workshop hope that by acquiring these vital vocational skills, they can not only realise their dreams, but also help drive economic and social development in their home countries.

Abakuma Getachew Belay, a trainee from Ethiopia who is passionate about robotics, said he wanted to use his skills to help develop his country’s manufacturing industry.

“Nowadays, all the manufacturing sectors use robots and sensors. These things will help my country to modernise. These robotics, the things that we learn here, we can apply it to many industries.”

Students also said the workshop will help open up invaluable opportunities in their careers.

“When I go back to my country I want to be a more skilful person and I want to work in different kinds of industrial parks,” said trainee Tigist Haile Mariam who is majoring in management sciences and engineering.

Trainers said the practical experience gained through this kind of workshop was the only way to truly master these skills which are centred on the application of technology.

The Luban Workshops are run both in China and in various countries in Africa.


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