Groups Seek End To Naked Women Protest In Nasarawa State

By Amina Mohammed, Lafia

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Some socio-political and civil society groups under the aegis of Concerned Youths in Lafia Local Government Area in Nasarawa State have urged the opposition People’s democratic party,  PDP, women to seek legal action if not satisfied with the declaration of the March 18 gubernatorial election.

The concerned youths who were seen across major streets of Lafia, the state capital, believed that the election was held peacefully with few irregularities which were “swiftly addressed” by the Independent National Electoral Commission.

The groups wondered why the state had become “a theatre of comedy for some political parties as grown-up women displayed their stark nakedness daily in a contest of the 18th March gubernatorial election results declared by INEC”.

Speaking on behalf of the groups, one of the conveners, Ibrahim Hassan who spoke through the organising Secretary, Muhammad Ramalan said it was necessary to reiterate their support to the present administration in the state and the electoral umpire.

He stressed that it was logical that whatsoever was done unlawfully should be channeled to the appropriate authorities for legal action.

Hassan called on the political parties to be cautious of their activities in the aftermath of the election.

He noted that many hoodlums have used it as an avenue to carry out their illegitimate acts which were at the detriment of the Nasarawa people especially the people of Lafia.

He advised the police and other sister security agencies to look at what he termed the show of nudity by the opposition People’s Democratic Party in order not to truncate the existing peace and harmony being enjoyed in the state.

While commending the police for releasing a statement to stop all rancorous gatherings across the state to maintain law and order, the support group convener asked the authorities to quickly implement the intent of the statement for the betterment of the state.

Others who spoke during the rally include Gayam Elele, and Adamu Alkali among others as women on foot and in vehicles chanted and displayed various placards reading “We are in support of INEC, A. A. SULE”, “Don’t instigate violence in Lafia”, “We frown at the show of nudity”, ” Use the court to channel your grievances not streets” among others.

Voice of Nigeria had reports that the main opposition party in the state, the People’s Democratic Party has, since the declaration of the results, been on the streets of Lafia, the PDP Secretariat, and INEC Headquarters in protest of the results announced by INEC’s Returning Officer, Professor Tanko Ishaya of the University of Jos.

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