Former Defence Chief pulls out from Armed Forces Service

Martha Obi, Abuja

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Nigeria’s former Chief of Defence Staff, General Lucky Irabor (retired), has been ceremoniously pulled out of the Nigerian Armed Forces after 37 years of service to the nation

In a grand parade at Mogadishu Cantonment in Abuja, General Irabor said that the efforts made by the Armed Forces to collaborate with other security agencies and critical stakeholders have improved security across the country.

According to the former Defence Chief, he is leaving the Armed Forces bigger, stronger, and more capable to deliver on its constitutional mandates.

General Irabor acknowledged the outstanding efforts of the courageous men and women in uniform.

“My deepest gratitude to the brave officers, soldiers, ratings, airmen and airwomen who demonstrated unwavering commitment and dedication. Your sacrifices and courage in the line of duty are unparalleled. I know you did this because of the Love for Country. Iam profoundly proud of you all.

Indeed, in the period, the Services have singly and collectively expanded strategic capacities, operational reach, and tactical competences.

He added that the Armed Forces received great impetus and support from the Nigerian government, strategic partners, state governments, and Non-Governmental Organisations in terms of gross expansion of military strength, platform acquisition, expansion of equipment holdings, provision of funding, materiel, and logistics as well as the improvement of critical Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes of the personnel.

“I wish to, on behalf of the entire officers, men and women of the AFN, express our deep appreciation and gratitude, first and foremost to the immediate-past and present President, Commander-in-Chief Of the AFN. Our collective gratitude also go to our strategic partners, the leadership and members of the National Assembly, State Governors, the National Security Adviser, Honourable Minister of Defence (HMoD), Honourable Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning (HMFBNP) and other ministers of the Federal Republic, international a general public for your invaluable support.” 

General Irabor noted that the AFN recorded goal attainment in core military roles and Military Aid to Civil Power(MACP).

In more specific terms, he said that “They significantly curtailed the threats of terrorism, insurgency, piracy, sea robberies, vandalism of critical national assets and kidnappings”.

In the Military Aid to Civil Authority (MACA) role, AFN successfully worked in conjunction with other security agencies and stakeholders to deliver a physical security environment that is amenable for law and order, critical democratic processes, as well as human security, and national development.

“The AFN is thus delivering on its constitutional mandate as a defender of the Nigerian state, territories, and people in addition to providing a bulwark for unbroken democratic evolution. In other words, the AFN has been a foremost national institution in ensuring the security and stability of the nation. Despite the current challenges, I am very proud of the patriotism, dedication, hard work and sacrifices of the officers, men and women of the AFN which is propelled by Love for Country.

According to him, throughout his years of service, he had the privilege of working alongside some of the most dedicated, bravest, courageous, and selfless men and women he has ever known.

“Your unshakeable commitment to our nation, our values, and our mission has been a constant source of inspiration. The bonds we have forged in the face of adversity are unbreakable, and I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to serve with each and every one of you.

Without doubt, the nation should be proud of its military to whom too many security concerns seem now to be consigned. I therefore state with a sense of responsibility, that as a nation, we should avoid the deliberate or inadvertent inclination to denigrate the contributions of the AFN to national security, unity, and stability”, he said.

He stated that the change of baton in the AFN occasioned by the assumption of office of the President, Commander-in-Chief of the AFN, Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, is part of the routine processes of regenerating the AFN for improved service delivery.

General Irabor also seized the opportunity to congratulate the President for the profound leadership and direction thus far, as he grapples with the challenges of nation-building and national security.

According to him, Mr. President, no doubt, the debt they owe to the men and women who have served in the AFN is one that they will never be able to repay adequately.

“They sacrifice so much of themselves to defend the nation and its ideals, and they ask for so little in return, he said.

General Irabor expressed his appreciation to the Former Service chiefs, his family members and all the officers, men and women of the Armed Forces of Nigeria that he worked with for the great support given to him in his service to the nation.

Reception followed immediately at the Armed Forces Officers Mess, Lungi Barracks.

The Retired CDS urged the officers to put more effort in the fight against terrorism in the country.

The newly appointed Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa pledged to continue from where the retired CDS stopped amongst other things.










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