Governor AbdulRazaq presents patrol vehicles, motorcycles to boost security mobility

By Tunde Akanbi, Ilorin

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The Kwara State Governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has presented 32 new patrol vehicles and 160 motorcycles to support the movement of security personnel as government steps up collaborations to improve safety in the hinterlands.

The Governor also presented three patrol vehicles to Kwara State Road Traffic Management Authority (KWARTMA) to improve their operations.

“Today is another day in our efforts to strengthen security across the state. Each of the 16 local governments is getting two vehicles and 10 motorcycles each,” the Governor said at a brief event in Government House Ilorin.

The governor directed local council authorities to work closely with all the stakeholders, including traditional rulers within their areas and make sure that they have serious engagements with security agencies.

According to him, the security agencies cannot do it alone stressing that they need the support of the people to make their communities safe.

The governor said that this is why the government is making sure that they have the right mobility to do that and therefore urged them to put it to good use.

The State House of Assembly Speaker, Yakubu Danladi-Salihu commended the Governor for the initiative, which he said would help to bolster security in every part of the state.

“With what we saw here today, the job of the security networks across the 24 constituencies has been made easier. With this, security will be greatly improved in all the 16 local government areas. This shows again that His Excellency means well for the state. He has played his own role and I plead that those in charge should make good use of it. This will bring positive development to the state,” he said.

In his remarks, the Chairman of the State Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), who is also the Chairman of Ifelodun Local Government, Jide Ashonibare lauded the distribution of the vehicles, which he said, would go a long way to strengthen local security architecture in the state.

He commended the governor for what he described as a great step and pledged that they will make sure that the vehicles are put to proper use to strengthen security in their respective areas.

KWARTMA Chief Executive Officer, Akeem Adegboye received the vehicles on behalf of the body and thanked the Governor for the gesture.

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