Nasarawa Assembly Seeks Special Consideration for NBS

By Amina Mohammed, Lafia.

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Nasarawa State House of Assembly has called on the state government to grant the Nasarawa Broadcasting Service (NBS) procurement waiver to procure modern digital equipment and other facilities to upgrade the station to global counterparts in Broadcasting.

Chairman, House Committee on Information Hon. Jonah Ali Dizaho made the call while on oversight function to the media outfit today in Lafia.

He said it would give the station all the necessary support to enhance it services to the people of the state and beyond calling on the State Government to give the station special consideration.

Upgrade the station

He further said purchasing modern digital facilities to upgrade the station would ensure effective information dissemination of government policies and programmes in the state.

Hon Dizaho said that they are in the media outfit to appraise the 2023 budget performance of the station.

We are not here to witch hunt anybody but to assess the budget performance of this station.

“We also want to assure you of our partnership to ensure effective dissemination of information to the people of the state,” he said

The committee assured the station of its readiness to support the media outfit in addressing the emerging challenges facing the station.

He tasked the management and staff of the station to improve on the station contents just as the committee made a case for the constitution of board of the station.

The Executive Vice Chairman (EVC) of the station, Awwalu Salihu said the station is being repositioned to meet the yearnings of the state since the station has since gotten its place on satellites broadcasting,

He appealed to the state assembly to find means where purchase of broadcast equipment should be pegged on recurrent expenditure to facilitate the upgrade of the station.

This request according to the committee is in conflict with the law and procurement act where the Chairman of the committee, Hon. Jonah Dizaho called on the state government to grant waiver to NBS to procure modern digital facilities.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of the station, Mr Aloko Flashman, said the station needsmodern apparatus to carry on with its daily tasks.

He appreciated the committee for supporting the activities of the station to succeed.

The committee members were taken round to inspect facilities at both the Radio and the Television stations where they see things for themselves.

Lateefah Ibrahim

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