IT Security Experts Call for Minister of State in FMCIDE


The Information Technology Security System Professionals (ITSSPs) have called for the appointment of a Minister of State for the Federal Ministry of Communication, Innovation, and Digital Economy (FMCIDE).

The Executive Secretary of ITSSPs, Mr. Rogba Adeoye, made this appeal during an interview in Lagos on Saturday.

Adeoye highlighted the need for additional leadership due to the expansive nature of the FMCIDE, which oversees three critical sectors: Communication, Digital Economy, and Innovation. He described the ministry as a dynamic entity with crucial assets that contribute significantly to the country’s economy.

According to Adeoye, the request for a Minister of State does not imply that the current minister, Bosun Tijani, is incapable, but rather that the ministry requires more hands to manage its vast scope effectively.

“The first thing you notice about the Ministry of Communication, Innovation, and Digital Economy is that it is a driving force for Nigeria’s economy.

 “When we talk about the digital economy, it is heavily reliant on data and other supportive technologies, making it a significant ministry, “he said.

Also Read: Experts Urge Supportive Environment for Youth-Driven Tech Innovation

Adeoye recommended that a Minister of State be appointed to manage various departments and components within the ministry, given its size and complexity.

He emphasized that numerous data-generating agencies fall under the ministry’s purview, and the digital economy itself plays a pivotal role in revenue generation. He noted this is not a minor task and requires additional policy drivers.

The ITSSPs executive reiterated that the call for a Minister of State stems from the dynamic nature of the FMCIDE, not from any lack of competence within its current leadership. He stressed the need for more expertise to support the ministry’s mission and urged the government to take deliberate steps to tap into the talent pool.

Adeoye also expressed concern over the ongoing brain drain in the sector, urging the government to implement measures to curb the trend, especially given the resources invested in training these professionals.

Source NAN

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