Bill To Establish University Of Applied Sciences: Association lauds Senate

Asma'u Halilu, Kaduna


The Kachia Educational Development Association (KEDA) has applauded the Nigerian Senate for the passage of the bill establishing the Federal University of Applied Sciences, Kachia, Kaduna State

The Chairman Central Working Committee of the Association, Shehu Usman Salihu disclosed in a statement that establishing a Federal University in Kachia Local Government area of Kaduna state will not only provide opportunities for the youths in the region but foster economic growth in Nigeria as a whole.

“The establishment of the university is a significant step towards advancing education and economic development of not only the Zone but Kaduna State and Nigeria as a whole. 

“We commend the Senate for recognizing the importance of investing in education because of its impact on the nation’s future.”

The Association while commending the commitment of Senator Sunday Marshal Katung on his commitment to education and the development of his constituency which they said is exemplary, acknowledged the tacit support of Governor Uba Sani towards the growth of the state.

“We especially acknowledge and congratulate the sponsor of the bill, Distinguished Senator Sunday Marshal Katung for his dedication and perseverance in championing this project.

“The Federal University of Applied Sciences, Kachia, will provide opportunities for youth in the region and other parts of the world to access quality education, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.

“As we celebrate this achievement, we urge the relevant stakeholders to ensure immediate take-off of the institution. We also encourage the federal and state governments to provide necessary support for the institution’s growth and development.

“We are confident that the institution will make the much-needed impact in the socioeconomic development of not just Kaduna State, but the nation at large.” The statement read in part.





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