
Hajj: Kwara to airlift intending Pilgrims on May 20

Tunde Akanbi, Ilorin


The Executive Secretary, Kwara State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board, Abdulsalam Abdulkadir says 2024 intending pilgrims from kwara state will be airlifting from Ilorin International Airport on May 20, 2024 to Medina in Saudi Arabia.

Abdulsalam Abdulkadir stated this at the enlightenment programme organized for all its intending pilgrims for this year’s Hajj, held at the State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board’s premises, Ilorin.

According to him, the first batch of the intending pilgrims from the state will be transported to Saudi Arabia on the twentieth of May and the last batch will be transported on the sixth of next month.

Abdulsalam Abdulkadir promised that the intending pilgrims will be vaccinated and collect their luggage next week Tuesday.

Also speaking, the Chairman, State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board, Mashood Mahmud-Jimba called on intending pilgrims from kwara to prepare for the challenges that may arise at the Saudi Arabia and see it as part of their worship.

Mashood-Jimba advised them to desist from abusive words before, during and after the Arafat to have hitch free Hajj exercise.

In his lecture, the Grand Khadi, Kwara State Shariah Court of Appeal, Justice Abdullateef Kamaldeen advised the intending pilgrims to perform his or her Hajj with fear of Allah.

Justice Abdullateef Kamaldeen tasked them to be patient while in the Holy land to have a successful Hajj exercise.




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