Toll Fees: Reps To Exempt Military Personnel From Payment

Gloria Essien, Abuja


The Nigerian House of Representatives has resolved to exempt military personnel from payments at toll gates and packing lots in Nigeria.

The House also directs the Minister of Aviation to mandate the relevant authorities to exempt members of the Armed Forces from tollgate fees and parking payments in airports across the country.

The resolutions followed the adoption of a motion moved by Abdussammad Dasuki on the urgent need to waive tollgate fees in all Nigerian airports for Members of the Armed Forces.

According to the House men and women of the Armed Forces have honoured our nation with the highest form of service and without reservation, in this regard they should be honoured by being exempted from toll gate payments.

“Honouring these men and women in uniform, and also encouraging fellow citizens to acknowledge their service to the nation is the right step to take as a way to appreciate the immeasurable sacrifices they make.

“Unless we are intentional in showing our appreciation to them by extending privileges like the proposed exemption, our Nation would appear to underrate their services and lack knowledge of the value that they bring,” the House said.

The move by the House is in response to an announcement made by the Minister of Aviation on the need for all citizens to pay airport access fees including the VIPs as it is an important source of revenue.


Lantana Nasir

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