LP Crisis: Obi Visits Party Leaders, Calls For Reconciliation 

By Bitrus Kozah


The Presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 presidential election, Mr Peter Obi, has urged aggrieved party members to put the survival of Nigerians and Nigeria first above all other interests.

Mr Peter Obi made the statement when he paid a solidarity visit to the party’s leadership at the National Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital.

Mr Obi said he would continue to strive to bring all warring factions in the party to become united.

Mr Obi stated that the challenges facing Nigeria are human capital development bordering on food, security, education, health and water.

He said the priority should be on Nigeria’s survival rather than election.

For now let us talk about how we are going to survive because when we survive then can we talk about the next election.”

Mr Obi further urged Nigerians to “focus on Nigeria and see that Nigeria works. If Nigeria is working, the Labour Party will work. If Nigeria fails, the Labour Party” he said.

The Labour Party’s 2023 Presidential candidate joined party members to endorse the newly elected National Working Committee of the Labour Party led by Mr Julius Abure.

Working for peace

In his address to members of the party who thronged the party’s National Secretariat, the National Chairman of the party, Mr Julius Abure said the national working committee was appreciative of the visit of the party members and the presidential candidate.

Mr Abure said, “It was high time the varying groups of dissent voices over the Nnewi convention came together and set all their interests aside to work for a party that would make a good show in the next election season”.

He also said that “the convention has come and gone, all those who are still angry with us over the Nnewi convention, we want to appeal to them, that they should all come together to work with us to build the party for a new Nigeria that has a vision”.

The Labour Party’s National Chairman further said that he “believes very strongly that personal interest should be put aside in pursuit of a new Nigeria that will work for all”.

Also speaking, the Chairman of the Labour Party, FCT chapter, Mr. Peter Dugwu, who organized the visit said that the chapter had come in solidarity with the national working committee of the party. He promised that the party will make a good show at the area council elections.





Emmanuel Ukoh

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