Philanthropist Moves To Combat Environmental, Infrastructural Challenges In Anambra State 

By Chinwe Onuigbo, Awka


An exceptional Nigerian industrialist and philanthropist known for his pioneering approach to business and his tireless efforts in giving back to society, Engineer John Ezeobi, the Chief Executive Officer, CEO, of Zobis Cables Limited, has turned his attention towards addressing environmental issues, particularly flooding, and infrastructural development in his Alma mater, Ede Secondary School in Okoti, Odekpe, Ogbaru Local Government Area (LGA) of Anambra State.

While assessing the school environment and infrastructure on Monday, Engineer Ezeobi said, “This commitment to my Alma mater is deeply rooted in my personal experiences and affinity for my hometown.I attended the school from 2001 to 2003 and served as the Senior Prefect, so I am touched by the decaying infrastructure, particularly the school’s vulnerability to flooding during the rainy season.

Having grown up in Ogbaru, i witnessed firsthand the adverse effects of annual flooding on the community, particularly in educational institutions. As a successful entrepreneur, i recognized the urgency to address these environmental challenges, improve infrastructure, and provide a conducive learning environment for future generations.

“Understanding the cyclical nature of flooding, I have partnered with renowned environmental experts and engineers to develop a strategic flood management plan tailored to my Alma mater. This initiative aims to assess topographical challenges, implement drainage systems, and elevate the school compound to reduce the impact of flooding. Additionally, the plan incorporates the planting of trees and vegetation to enhance water absorption and overall environmental health.”

“Quality education cannot thrive in dilapidated structures, so I will embark on an ambitious infrastructural two-phase development project, at the school, from classrooms to administrative buildings, libraries, laboratories, and recreational facilities, to upgrade and rebuild to provide students with a conducive and technologically advanced learning environment.”

He assured that first phase of the project is expected to be completed within two months, after which the company will move on to the second stage which is expected to gulp several million of naira.

The industrialist expressed optimism that the impact on the school’s 350 students and new enrollments will have a positive effect on the community.

He reiterated that the project is being carried out under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of Ezeobi’s company, Zobis Cables Industries Ltd.

He said he was approached by the school’s owners to buy the property, but he declined, wanting to preserve the institutional legacy. He equally stated that the school harbours some part of his childhood memories and most importantly shaped him into what he is today in the society.

According to Engineer Ezeobi, “i understand the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling environmental challenges and ensuring sustainable development. To this end, I have actively engaged the local community, educational policymakers, and environmental organizations to garner support and expertise. By involving these stakeholders, my aim is to create a long-term vision centered around environmental conservation and infrastructural improvements that will benefit the entire community, not just his Alma mater.

Meanwhile, beyond physical interventions, Engineer Ezeobi also emphasized the significance of fostering environmental awareness among the students.

“My philanthropic initiatives include establishing clubs and organizing workshops dedicated to educating students on the importance of sustainable living, waste management, and conserving natural resources. By instilling environmental stewardship values, believe i can create a generation of environmentally conscious citizens who will drive positive change in their communities and ensure a brighter, greener future for all.”

The administration of Ede Secondary School which was founded in 1994 by Dr. John Ugboma Okei (Ede 1 of Odekpe), commended Ezeobi’s generosity, expressing excitement and a sense of rejuvenation as the institution returns to life through the efforts of one of its alumni.


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