
Expert Describes Court’s Ruling On LGAs Autonomy As Key To Development

By Ene Audu, Abuja


The Supreme Court of Nigeria’s judgment in favour of local government autonomy is expected to pave the way for greater decentralization and grassroots development.

The above statement was made by a peace advocate and development expert, Dr. Joseph Gimba.

Gamna said the judgment was a crucial step towards addressing Nigeria’s development challenges and promoting peace and security.

Dr. Gimba emphasised the importance of accountability and transparency in ensuring that local governments use their autonomy effectively and efficiently.

“There must be oversight mechanisms in place to prevent corruption and ensure that funds are used for the benefit of the community,” he said.

He attributed Nigeria’s poverty and insecurity to the neglect of local governments, stating that “the poverty and insecurity we are facing in Nigeria were all necessitated because local governments were not put into proper use.” 

He believes that local government autonomy can engender peace in the country.

Peace is like marriage; as long as all the parties involved in the marriage are not working together, we are not going to have peace,” he said.

Dr. Gimba also emphasised that with autonomy, local governments can take charge of their healthcare and education systems, providing better services and infrastructure to their communities.

He highlighted the importance of accountability and transparency, emphasising that “there wouldn’t be any shifting of blame; the local government chairman will now have to take responsibility for their actions.”

He added that, “we must ensure that this autonomy is used effectively and efficiently to benefit our communities.”


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