Repentant Terrorists: Stakeholders hold interactive meeting in Borno

Abubakar Mohammed, Maiduguri

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The Borno State Government has held a one-day special Interactive meeting on the current development of the security situation of the State particularly the surrender of hundreds of Boko haram members.

According to the Borno State Government, the aim of the meeting is to get the general opinion of the Borno citizenry and other professionals bodies from various fields on whether to accept the repented Boko haram to the society nor not.

The security multi-stakeholder town-hall meeting hosted by Governor Babagana Umara Zulum in Maiduguri extensively discussed the pros, cons and implications of ongoing surrender by Boko Haram fighters, after which the meeting came up with 16 resolutions which included demands that firearms are retrieved from all repentant insurgents, while profiling is made stringent in order “to avoid hasty release of hardened elements to the larger society”.  

The meeting had in its attendance the representatives of victims of Boko Haram attacks, National and State Assembly members, all traditional rulers led by Shehu of Borno, Borno elders, heads of security agencies, Muslim and Christian leaders, members of the academic community, the Nigeria Union of Journalists, youth and women groups, the labour unions, civil society groups, local and international NGOs, Political Parties and top government officials.

Governor Zulum said while it was certainly difficult accepting the killers of our loved ones, it is equally important to finding ways of ending the 12 years insurgency, describing the Boko Haram surrender as dealing with “two extreme conditions” because one hand accepting insurgents has its implications while rejecting them could swell the ranks of rival ISWAP faction that is still armed and waging war.

Governor Zulum also pointed to the case of Afghanistan where 20 years of the military fight ended with the Taliban now in control of the government.

The theatre Commander who spoke on behalf of theatre command operation Hadin kai,  said this was the best time to come together.

He said, ” no single individual who will claim that it’s his doing that the Boko haram insurgents are surrendering, it’s just the act of God”. 

“Even when we engage the repented Boko haram they are also amazed by the current development”. 

He further urged people to join hands to mark a new beginning for Borno State, the Northeast and Nigeria at large.

“As part of the military, we are in total support of the current happening, at times people might say why should the army seek peace. Our core mandate is to provide and maintain peace wherever we are. The best generals are those who win wars without even firing a shot. So the kinetic and non-kinetic can achieve desired results and that’s what we are seeing now,” he explained.

While speaking, the Shehu of Borno, Abubakar Ibn Umar Garbai Elkanemi recounted that in many parts of the world matters like that end up with negotiations. The Shehu urged residents to consider genuine reconciliation in order to allow peace to reign in the state.

The Shehu urged traditional leaders to preach forgiveness and tolerance in their respective domains as a way forward.

Representing the national assembly, Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume said, “Alhamdulillah, it is a welcome development that Boko Haram insurgents are surrendering, however, this development must be carefully examined. The unfortunate situation that bedevilled us for over 10 years is virtually coming to an end”.  

Ndume however noted that efforts must be made to address the grievances of victims. He nonetheless declared the support of national assembly members towards reconciliation including, if need be, to move a motion or sponsor a bill during plenary.

The Chief Imam of Borno, Imam Zannah Laisu assured the people of the commitment of religious leaders to the deradicalisation process.

On his part, Borno State CAN Chairman, represented by the secretary, Reverend Joseph Kwaha expressed the support by the Christian community towards the deradicalisation of repentant terrorists.

Vice-Chancellors of the University of Maiduguri and Borno State University announced plans by their institutions to critically study the situation and come up with robust academic research on how to go about with the repentant terrorists.

Rising from the meeting, the participants came up with 16 resolutions in a communique that was signed by the state’s Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Barr. Kaka Shehu Lawan, who, as a key member of the state’s security council, chaired the communique drafting committee.

The communique reads as follows:


  1. The stakeholders appreciated the untiring efforts and support of His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria towards ending Boko Haram insurgency and other criminalities in Borno State and the country at large. 


  1. The stakeholders commended the zeal and determination of His Excellency, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, FNSE, mni, Executive Governor of Borno State towards restoration of lasting peace in the State. The meeting further noted the unparalleled support rendered to the IDPs and vulnerable by His Excellency, the Executive Governor.  


  1. The stakeholders welcomed the effort of the Federal and State Governments in the provision of state-of-the-art equipment and other logistics to the security operatives that led to the renewed vigour in the fight against insurgents which resulted in the recent surrender.  


  1. The meeting urged the Federal and State Governments to handle the issues of repentant Boko Haram insurgents with utmost care and within the instrumentality of the law.  


  1. The meeting stressed the need for proper profiling of repentant Boko Haram insurgents to avoid hasty release of hardened elements to larger society.  


  1. The meeting welcomed the recent massive surrender by the Boko Haram insurgents and urged those still in the bush to follow suit.  


  1. The meeting called for all firearms and offensive weapons used by the repentant insurgents to be retrieved from them.  


  1. The meeting strongly advocated for the strengthening of the deradicalisation mechanism of Operation Safe Corridor so as to involve parents of the surrendered Boko Haram members, Ulamas, traditional/community leaders and the media.  


  1. The meeting urged citizens to key into the educational opportunities created by the state government, especially by enrolling their children and wards to schools as a counter measure for indoctrination.  


  1. The stakeholders reiterated the need for further support to all victims of insurgency especially women and children.  


  1. The meeting called on the Federal Government to establish a world class deradicalisation/ rehabilitation centre in Borno State being the epicentre of insurgency.  


  1. The meeting called for a true reconciliation amongst the affected people.  


  1. The meeting appreciates the support of the Federal Government to the State, but solicited for more funding from the Federal Government to the State especially in areas of reconstruction, resettlement, reintegration, education and health as the meager resources at the disposal of the state is not sufficient in view of the magnitude of cost involved.  


  1. The meeting urged the military to sustain the ongoing offensive on the activities of ISWAP.  


  1. The meeting resolved to have a periodic briefing on the activities of the surrendered Boko Haram terrorists with a view to creating awareness amongst the public.  


  1. The meeting further resolved that the North East Development Commission (NEDC) as a matter of priority be involved in all aspects of the rehabilitation and integration of surrendered Boko Haram into mainstream society.



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