Abuja University Partners with Export Authority to Develop Trade Zone

By Maryam Suleiman, Abuja

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The University of Abuja and the Nigerian Export Processing Zones Authority, NEPZA have reached an agreement to develop a free zone for the export industry on campus.

This decision was made by the Managing Director, NEPZA,  Mr. Adesoji Adesugba while hosting a visit by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Abuja, Mr. Abdulrasheed Naallah, to request for the support of NEPZA in executing the project.

According to the vice chancellor, over ten thousand hectares of land surrounding the university is endowed with natural resources which include precious stones and gold that need to be explored and used in generating revenue to support research and promote agriculture.

“Our students as they are learning, to become geologists, to become mining specialists, will also have right here on our campus critical experience that is relevant. Many people don’t know that on our campus we hsve a lot of minerals right here at the university of Abuja,“ he said.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Abuja also said that this action would make his university the first in Nigeria to embark on a project like this and make it a role model for others to emulate.

Mr. Abdulrasheed believes that with the support of NEPZA, developing a free zone for export in the university would provide lecturers enough means of generating revenue and have no reason to go on strike,

“Because nothing is going on that is why they can close their laboratories and go home if I have some work I have to do with you, and somebody says I should close and go home, I will simly say he doesn’t know what hes talking about, because I have a deadline,” the VC stated.

After accepting to partner with the University of Abuja in creating an export trade zone, the Managing Director of NEPZA, Mr. Adesoji Adesugba said the vast potentials awaiting every entrepreneur interested in investing in the university leaves him with no choice but to embark on the trade zone project.

“productivity increases, employment is guaranteed, innovation at its best, and value is shared because there’s money to be shared, there’s value to be shared. We cannot have assets locked down in a developing country like Nigeria, we lock down our talents we delve in intrigues and internal politics that leads nowhere rather than sitting down and wooing with the best minds and getting things unlocked,” the MD said.

Mr. Adesugba also promised to ensure that the export industry trade zone would be in the process of developing before the next governing administration.


Confidence Okwuchi


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