
Agency Donates Relief Materials To Anambra State Communities

By Chinwe Onuigbo, Awka


The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), has provided various relief materials to two communities in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, in an effort to alleviate their suffering and displacement.

NEMA, in collaboration with Hon. Afam Victor Ogene, member representing Ogbaru Federal Constituency, delivered the relief materials to the communities, Ogwuaniocha and Ogwuikpele, which have been grappling with internal conflicts resulting in the abduction of the traditional ruler of Ogwuaniocha, whose whereabouts remain unknown to this day, as well as indiscriminate killings and kidnappings in the area.

Due to the fear of violence, the communities had to flee their homes and seek refuge in nearby communities. As a result, the residents can no longer access their farmland, market, or any means of livelihood.

The relief materials provided by NEMA included various sizes of sleeping foam, assorted wrappers, bags of rice and gari, clothes for children and adults, head ties, plastic buckets, vegetable oil, seasoning cubes, mats, cartons of tomatoes, and indomie noodles, among others.

During the presentation of the materials at Rucham Beach Hotel in Iyiowa Odekpe, Ogbaru Local Government Area, Mrs. Ngozi Echeazu, the leader of NEMA, explained that Hon. Afam Victor Ogene had reported the communities’ predicament to the presidency. She further disclosed that Ogene had appealed to the Federal Government to support his people, who have become refugees in their own land, leading to the provision of the relief materials.

Echeazu urged the communities to distribute the materials fairly and urged them to avoid conflicts among themselves. She emphasized that the materials were specifically intended for the people of Ogwuaniocha and Ogwuikpele.

It is worth noting that Hon. Afam Victor Ogene, in partnership with the Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) and MODESCOM Solution Ltd, organized a three-day training program to empower 100 youths of Ogbaru Local Government with skills in solar energy.

The program aimed to reduce unemployment among the young people of the Ogbaru Federal Constituency by promoting self-reliance and fostering economic growth through practical skill development. Participants, both male and female youths under 40, received tools and equipment to start their ventures.

By providing relief materials and empowering the youth with practical skills, NEMA, Hon. Afam Victor Ogene, and their partners are working towards restoring stability and improving the livelihoods of the affected communities in Ogbaru Local Government Area in Anambra State.


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