Agency seeks more funds to Improve GMO Research

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Zeniat Abubakar, Abuja

The Nigerian government has been urged to improve funding in the areas of surveillance of genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)and and Biosafety research work.

Director General, National Biosafety Management Agency of Nigeria, Dr Rufus Ebegba stated while presenting his scorecard on his last tenure as the DG of the agency in Abuja the nation’s capital.

“Nigeria is seen in the eyes of the world, as one of the leading agencies of Biosafety in this country and international community always wanting to come and learn from us, we are also expecting some people from Namibia to come to understudy what we are doing, so we must be able to showcase who we are physical, mental and knowledge, I tell you, Nigeria has the knowledge and the courage to address issues of Biosafety.” Dr Ebegba explained.

While reeling out the agency achievement in the last eight years the Director General promised that the agency incoming administration would continue to embark on various course and programme that will also promote the agency.

Dr Ebegba said that the agency has also place effective Capacity Building Programmes such as short Biosafety and Biosecurity courses both nationally and internationally to help boost the staffs.

“The initial staff of the NBMA were twenty-seven, in number seconded from the Biosafety Unit of the Forestry department, Federal Ministry of Environment and a few others from other MDAs. Today the Agency has over three hundred and ninety-seven critical mass of well trained, vibrant and robust Biosafety officers and other staff
manning various departments and units.”

According to him, Nation-wide survey and tracking of GMO-suspects in supermarkets, open markets and farms are periodically carried out to ensure that only authorized and safe GMOs are in circulation, in line with the mandate of the Agency.

“This is to ensure that Nigeria is not used as a dumping ground for unapproved GMOs. Thus, guaranteeing reduction in the potential negative socio-economic consequences in the application of modern biotechnology and the use of its products thereof (GMOs).” He said.

Director General, further stressed that the Agency also established first GMO Detection and Analysis Laboratory equipped with standard machines and Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) detection kits as well as GM food testing kits for rapid detection in the country.

“Prior to this, GM foods and grains flooded the country’s markets unapproved and untested, with a well-equipped GM laboratory, the NBMA is able to test GM grains and foods to ensure they pose no risk to human health or the environment before they are allowed into the country.” He said.

He said that the National Biosafety Policy and several regulatory and operational instruments were developed and approved, and are constantly reviewed in line with global best practices to keep abreast with advancements in modern biotechnology in the country.

“In line with Nigeria’s obligation to international agreements, NBMA implements the following international treaties (signed and ratified) on behalf of Nigeria, Convention on Biological Diversity as it relates to Biosafety issues, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.” He explained.

While commending President Muhammadu Buhari and the Minister of Environment for the opportunity given to him to served as the Director General of the Agency, for eight years, Dr Ebegba, said his was ready to serve the country to ensure Nigeria environment is protected and sustained.

“I wish to thank the federal government, the President and Minister of the Environment , and also my colleagues at the National Biosafety Management Agency for the wonderful time they have given to me being a DG is a privilege, these are very few opportunities for few Nigerians, I may not have been the best, but I was considered for that office I want to say with all sense of humility and happiness, that we succeeded in doing this over the years we are happy we have been able to put in place a blueprints of Bio-security in the area, of Bio-security policy and action plan. These achievements would not have come without support of the members of the Nigerian public, Nigerians and the Government of Nigeria.” He explained.

He also commended the media for the support over the years for understanding his tenure as the DG, despite the earlier controversies.

“I’m happy and fulfilled, that my tenure has come to an end I made a mark in Nigeria have gone to establish an agency I have position the agency and now my time has come I’m done I’m happy and fulfilled. And all I want from you, is to wish me well pray for good health for me I will move into other endeavors of my country I want to work for my country in whatever capacity I find myself I want to work for Nigerians, I want to ensure that Nigeria is protected. I want to make sure that Nigerians are protected and also projected and their self esteem are sustains.” He stated.

The DG also advised the Nigerian government to give adequate funding to the National Biosafety Management Agency of Nigeria, NBMA, to established its headquarter.

He said the Headquarters building would help the staffs to have more suitable environment to operate and be more effective.

He said Nigeria is one of the leading agency of the Biosafety in the continent, while stressing that the agency headquarters will also help to showcase what the agency stands for.

“The funding level is weak and it’s not just to the agency alone but globally, particularly Nigeria’s as well there’s been a constraint to see how we can manage the resources we have in this country to been spread to other sectors, I think the little they have given to us we have been able to the best we can.” He added.

The National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) established in 2015 is committed to ensuring proper regulation of modern biotechnology and its products so that it does not cause harm to human health and the environment.

The Agency is to also ensure the regulation of new and emerging areas of modern Biotechnology such as gene drive, gene editing, synthetic biology and to ensure Biosecurity in Nigeria.

Foluke Ibitomi

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