Chief of Air Staff appoints new Officers

Martha Obi, Abuja

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The Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Oladayo Amao has approved the appointment and redeployment of new officers into the Nigerian Air Force (NAF)

The appointments include a new Spokesperson, Branch Chiefs, Air Officers Commanding (AOCs), Commandants of Tri-Service and) Institutions and other senior officers.

The newly appointed Branch Chiefs are; Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Jackson Yusuf, formerly, Chief of Policy and Plans (COPP), Headquarters NAF (HQ NAF) who is now the Chief of Defence Policy and Plans (CDPP), Defence Headquarters (DHQ), Abuja,  AVM Idi Lubo, erstwhile  Commandant Armed Forces Resettlement Centre  is now Chief of Policy and Plans (COPP) HQ NAF, AVM Mohammed Yakubu, immediate past Commandant Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is now appointed Chief of Aircraft Engineering, HQ NAF, AVM Ayoola Jolasinmi, former CDPP, DHQ is now the Chief of Defence Space Administration while the erstwhile Commandant Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Jaji, AVM Anthony Tuwase is now the Chief of Defence Transformation and Innovation (CDTI), DHQ.

In the same vein, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Paul Masiyer is now the Chief of Logistics at NAF, AVM Ibikunle Daramola the erstwhile Air Officer Commanding (AOC), Ground Training Command (GTC) is appointed the Chief of Communications Information Systems (CCIS), AVM Samuel Chinda now takes over as Chief of Air Intelligence, while AVM Anthony Ndace is now the Air Secretary.

Also affected by the new appointments are AVM Emmanuel Wonah, former Chief of Aircraft Engineering who is now the Commandant Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Jaji, AVM Charles Ohwo, former CDTI who has now been appointed as the Commandant Armed Forces Resettlement  Centre, Lagos, AVM Paul Jemitola, the immediate past Air Secretary is now the Commandant, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna and  AVM Abraham Adole as the Commandant, Air Force War College, Makurdi.  

The newly appointed AOCs are AVM Sayo Olatunde, former  Commandant Air Force War College who is now the AOC, Ground Training Command, Enugu, AVM Ebimobo Ebiowe is now the AOC Mobility Command, Yenagoa. 

Also, former Director of Public Relations and Information (DOPRI), Air Commodore (Air Cdre) Edward Gabkwet has been appointed Commander 551 NAF Station, Jos while Air Cdre Wapkerem Maigida is now the new NAF Spokesperson. 

Air Cdre Olayinka Oyesola takes over as the Air Component Commander (Joint Task Force North East) Operation Hadin Kai.

While congratulating the new appointees, Air Marshal Amao charged them to bring their professional experiences to bear and continually explore new methods of proffering solutions to security challenges in the country.

The newly appointed and redeployed senior officers are expected to assume their offices on or before Friday, 6 January 2023.






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