Anambra: Lawmakers advocate continuous campaign against Drug trafficking

Chinwe Onuigbo, Awka

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The Anambra State House of Assembly has advocated the continuous sensitization campaign against Drug trafficking and its adverse effects in the State.

The house passed a resolution urging Governor Chukwuma Soludo to direct the Commissioners for Health, Information, Youths, Creative Economy, Technology and other relevant agencies to embark on the sensitization programme.

The resolution was sequel to a motion of urgent public importance sponsored by the member representing Njikoka Two Constituency, Jude Akpua, during plenary, seconded by Chidi Ibemeka representing Njikoka One Constiuency.

Akpua lamented that a recent report indicated that 14.4 percent of people between 15 and 64 years old abuse drugs in Nigeria.

According to him, this percentage amounts to about 14.3 million people suffering from illicit drug disorder and one in four deaths occur as a result of illicit drug use.

“In fact, more deaths, illnesses and disabilities are associated with substance use disorder than any other preventable health condition,” Akpua explained.

He equally, expressed concern that the trend mostly associated with the youthful population, if left unchecked could lead to further breakdown of peace as a result of drug-related or induced crimes.

“It will also increase the number of mentally deranged individuals in the state and deplete our human resources, he stated.

Dr. Akpua maintained that concerted and coordinated efforts geared towards continuous sensitization programmes on the negative effects of hard drugs to Anambra residents would go a long way to eradicate this menace and educate the people on the need to desist from this unhealthy practice.

He noted that the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Act established the Agency to enforce laws against the cultivation, processing, sale, trafficking and use of hard drugs and to empower the Agency to investigate persons suspected to have dealings in drug and other related matters.

“Aware that hard drugs are substances that are seen as more potent and toxic, both physically, mentally and highly addictive which are usually injectable, inhaled and ingested causing the most damages to organs and natural functions in the shortest amount of time,” he stated.

While contributing, the Chief whip of the House, Jude Ngaòbiri observed that the trend if left unchecked could increase the number of mentally deranged individuals in the State

In their contributions, the member representing Njikoka Constituency One, Honourable Chidi Ibemeka, his Idemili North Constituency counterpart, Honourable Kingsley Udemezue and the member representing Ogbaru One Constituency, Noble Igwe and Augustine Ike representing Nnewi North constituency urged the ministries to intensify sensitization of people, especially the youths on the adverse effects of drug abuse.

They described the motion as timely, saying that they cannot be silent and allow Anambra people to be destroyed by the intake of hard drugs.

The legislators decried the situation where the state has lost some young talented citizens because of their involvement in hard drugs.

The Speaker of the House, Somtochukwu Udeze who presided over the plenary session, had moved for the resolution of the House while the lawmakers unanimously adopted it through voice votes.

Udeze called on religious leaders, community leaders, teachers and parents to assist in the sensitization of youths on the need to shun hard drugs for their safety and the society at large

Meanwhile, the Obi of Onitsha, Nnaemeka Achebe has lauded the Federal Government for approving the establishment of a National Maritime Institute in Onitsha under the management of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Awka, Anambra State.

He equally commended the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) for being in the process of establishing a tax training school in Onitsha.

Achebe made the commendations at his ongoing twenty-second Ofala festival while presenting his Ofala message at Ime Obi palace in Onitsha.

In his message on community development, he said, “Over these twenty two years,our strides have found expression in a modernized and re-vitalized monarchy and a leadership aura which today radiates beyond Onitsha to Anambra State, the Southeast region, Nigeria and beyond.

“We have also articulated a vision for communal transformation hinged on the restoring our value system for lifting the poor and most vulnerable in the community from mere consumption and dependency to production and self – reliance.The vision is animated in the various activities of the Onitsha Advancement Foundation (OnAF) (, with on leadership and business entrepreneurship development, cooperatives, digital literacy and entrepreneurship, and women empowerment.

“It is against the foregoing background that we have adopted the theme for this year’s Ofala to be Better, Stronger, Together.This would be our guiding mantra through the coming year and beyond.”

For his part, the Governor of Anambra State, Chukwuma Soludo, while speaking at the Ofala Festival said,

“The revival and transformation of Onitsha are of paramount importance to me and I am dedicated to implementing comprehensive measures to achieve this goal.

“Recognizing the vital role that well-maintained roads play in enhancing transportation, trade and overall quality of life, we have embarked on massive road infrastructural development projects in the city. Our aim is to ensure smooth and seamless connectivity, making Onitsha a hub of economic activities and a city that its residents can be proud of.

“In addition to infrastructural development, we are resolved in our fight against touts in Onitsha. We have made it clear that touts must leave Onitsha. Our law enforcement agencies have been actively arresting these individuals in large numbers. Even as new ones emerge, we remain steadfast in our resolve to eliminate touts from our streets permanently.”








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