Anambra State Assembly Speaker Admonishes Fathers 

By Chinwe Onuigbo, Awka 


The Speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly,  Mr Somtochukwu Udeze has enjoined fathers to lead their families with good morals and other virtues expected of responsible fathers and shun acts capable of debasing their integrity.

This is coming as the global community marks the International Father’s Day.

In a statement released and signed by Mr Emma Madu, the Public Relations Officer to the state house of assembly,

Mr Udeze, in his Goodwill Message to Nigerian fathers especially those in the Anglican Communion who also commemorate their day,  extolled the contributions of fathers to the peace and progress of families and urged them to always work towards breeding responsible families.

The Speaker encouraged fathers not to relent amid several discouragements, but to continue to offer their best to their families, reminding them that the family units are looking up to them for provision, guide and protection.

He charged mothers to complement the efforts of fathers in the upkeep of their homes by showing more love and respect to their husbands as a source of encouragement.

On the International Day of the African Child which is also being observed today, Mr Udeze called on governments at all levels to implement the Child’s Right Act to reposition the future of the children of the country.

While calling on African Nations to show more commitments towards providing quality education to every child in Africa, the Speaker commended Governor Chukwuma Soludo of Anambra State for his efforts in ensuring that education in the state conforms with the standard of global best practices.


Confidence Okwuchi

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