Appeal Court Judgement: Police Calls for Calm in Nasarawa State

By Amina Mohammed, Lafia

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The Nasarawa State Police Command has warned party supporters against violence ahead of the governorship appeal court judgment.

Acting Commissioner of Police in the state DCP Shettima Muhammad, stated this during a press briefing in Lafia the state capital.

He said the Police Command has beefed up security around the state ahead of the appeal court judgment between Governor Abdullahi Sule and the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP in the 2023 Governorship election.

Law and order

DCP Muhammad explained that the police in collaboration with other security agencies had deployed personnel to strategic areas across the state to curtail any possible breakdown of law and order after the appeal court judgment which is expected to be decided any time soon.

He noted that the security operatives has been placed on red alert to respond promptly to any activity and actions capable of fomenting trouble.

DCP Muhammad called political leaders in the state to caution their supporters on the need to maintain peace before and after the court judgment.

Governor Abdullahi Sule had appealed the nullification of his election in a split judgment of two to one at the tribunal.

Lateefah Ibrahim

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