
Army Chief Prioritises Troops Welfare, Living Standards

Nokai Origin, Abuja



Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, is prioritising the welfare and living standards of Nigerian Army personnel and their families to ensure continued effective performance of their constitutional responsibilities nationwide.

General Lagbaja reiterated this while addressing troops of 35 Artillery Brigade on Thursday 23 May 2024, at Alamala Barracks in Ogun State.

A statement by the Director Army Public Relations, Major General Onyema Nwachukwu said the Army Chief commended the troops for their operational success in curtailing criminal activities, including kidnapping, armed robbery, cult related activities, smuggling and pipeline vandalism in Ogun and contiguous states.

General Lagbaja said “Let me thank you for your service to the nation. Your effort has ensured the maintenance of peace and stability in your Area of Responsibility, particularly in Ogun State”.

While interacting with the troops on the challenges confronting them, he assured them that their personal welfare and that of their families, including accommodation, social amenities and regimental facilities, are currently receiving attention as programmed in the master plan.

He further said that “effort is equally ongoing to address the backlog of unpaid Group Life Insurance.” He promised that all relevant Army Headquarters Departments would act accordingly.

The Army Chief disclosed that the Nigerian Army (NA) is being transformed and the transformation process has the backing of the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

General Lagbaja said that “To whom much is given, much is expected,” while imploring the troops to redouble their effort to show gratitude for the investment of resources to provide a befitting working and living environment for them.

The Army Chief and his entourage were received and briefed on the security situation of the Brigade’s Area of Responsibility, operational, training, administrative and logistics disposition by the Commander 35 Artillery Brigade, Brigadier General Mohammed Aminu.

He took time out to pay respect to the fallen heroes at the Brigade’s War Memorial, where a minute silence was observed in their honour. Afterwards, he embarked on a tour of the barracks, inspecting the condition of infrastructures and facilities.




Mercy Chukwudiebere

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