Ramadan Kareem

Australia: Pro-Palestinian Activists Target Israeli Ships


Ports have emerged as the centre of pro-Palestine rallies in Australia as protesters target Israeli ships, and vessels alleged to have links with the country.

Last week, dozens of people attempted to stop the ZIM Ganges container ship from reaching the Port of Melbourne, with police eventually deploying pepper spray to break up the blockade against a backdrop of shipping containers and cranes, the familiar symbols of a global industrialised world.

Dozens were arrested after the picket blocked access to the wharf and forced the Victorian International Container Terminal (VICT) to close. Voluntary legal observers (MALS) who were accompanying the protesters say they were met by about 200 police, some of whom were on horseback.

Tasnim Mahmoud Sammak of the community organisation Free Palestine Melbourne was at the blockade, which lasted for four days.

“I have family in Gaza and they have nowhere to go in the bombarded prison it has become,” she said.

Sofia Sabbagh, a prolific Melbourne-based Palestinian artist, was also there for the final showdown.

“They circled us forming lines, intimidating us,” she added, saying the group complied with a request to move on to avoid arrest.

The legal observers say the crowd was not threatening and people were just chanting.

“Once we were on public property, police pushed us away from our medical supplies and gear, pulling one person out of a wheelchair and pushing over a lot of other people, pepper spraying over 20 people,” Sabbagh added. “I was traumatised seeing a person being dragged out of their wheelchair.”

Victoria Police said the use of pepper spray was in response to the “dynamic nature” of the blockade and the threat of “aggressive” protesters.



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