Bill for Establishment of Special College of Education Passes Second Reading

Gloria Essien, Abuja


A bill for an act to amend the Federal Colleges Of Education Act for the establishment of the Federal College Of Education (Special) Dukku, Gombe State and related matters has passed second reading at the House of Representatives.

Sponsored by Mr. Abdullahi El-Rasheed (Dukku/Nafada Federal Constituency), the bill seeks to establish an educational institution that will primarily focus on teaching and training students with disabilities and other special needs.

All-inclusive growth

The trainings will equip hem with the required manpower and equip them with skills to teach and transfer knowledge to children living with disabilities in the society, taking cognisance of the peculiar nature of each child’s disability and tailoring teaching methods to suit them for an all-inclusive educational growth.

While leading the debate on the bill, Mr. El-Rasheed noted that the bill is seeking to amend the Federal Colleges of Education Act to Establish the Federal College of Education (Special) Dukku, Gombe State and for Related Matters.

As a nation, one of our major barriers to the provision of inclusive education particularly at primary and secondary school levels is the lack of teachers trained in inclusive and special needs education which in turn adversely affects and disenfranchises children and youths with disabilities from having access and equal opportunities to qualitative education like others.

The bill aims to address this pertinent issue. The bill also aligns with the objectives of the “National Policy on Special Needs Education in Nigeria” which was launched and unveiled by the Federal Ministry of Education in 2015.

The policy identified the importance and pivotal role of having qualified teachers with the requisite knowledge and skills to teach students with disability, as a major driver to inclusive education. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Colleagues it will interest you to know that the only school in Nigeria that offers courses in Special Needs Education is the Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo State, situated in the South-West geo- political zone which is currently over stretched,” he said.

Complimentary role

He also stresses that the establishment of the Federal College of Education (Special) Dukku will play a complimentary role to the existing college in Oyo State and will serve not only the people of Dukku; Gombe State or the North-East but the entire nation due to the strategic location of Dukku Local Government Area and its proximity to a number of States.

It’s also important to state that the exact percentage or number of children living with disabilities and requiring access to education at both primary and secondary school levels across the country is yet to be ascertained but according to a 2008 report of the Federal Government, it’s estimated that 7% of children had disabilities and larger percentage of them have no access to any type of formal or non-formal education.

Unofficially, the figure is believed to be higher. This is indeed alarming. The world today is driven by knowledge-based economy and I strongly believe that the establishment of Federal College of Education (Special) Dukku will lay a formidable ground and solid foundation for the training of students in special education aimed at bridging the shortfall of qualified and skilled teachers to teach; train and educate the disable among our societies.”

Bill also said: “Above all, the Federal College of Education (Special) Dukku when established, will significantly provide an avenue for increased availability of qualified teachers equipped with required competence in teaching methodologies across the country and tremendously reduce the shortfall of required manpower in our schools as currently experienced.

“I therefore, most respectfully, urge my Honourable Colleagues to support this important bill taking into consideration the benefits it will bring to our educational system and the country at large,” Mr.El-Rasheed said.

The Bill was read the first time in this Hallowed Chamber on Wednesday, 8th May, 2024.

Lateefah Ibrahim

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