Cameroon Stampede kills 10 students


A tragedy of unprecedented scale struck at the Lycée Bilingue d’Etoug-Ebe, located in the heart of the political capital, Cameroon. 

At least ten students died during a stampede at the Lycée Bilingue d’Etoug-Ebe, located in the political capital Yaoundé.

Also read: Cameroon starts world first malaria vaccine program for children

According to reports, “the stampede was when students who were late for school rushed to enter the school gate which had earlier been closed. The situation took a tragic turn”.

Many students lost their lives on site, while others were rushed to nearby health facilities.

Local and national authorities have been mobilized to deal with this unexpected crisis.

Medical teams, law enforcement and psychologists were dispatched to the scene to provide immediate and necessary assistance.


Africanews/Hauwa M.

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