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UN Warns Of Worsening Famine In Sudan

The UN warned of worsening famine in Sudan as conflict drives millions into crises. The already catastrophic situation" in Sudan has worsened since the last Security Council briefing just weeks ago, and that famine is now a reality in…

BBC Launches Komla Dumor Award 2025

The BBC is seeking a rising star of African journalism for the BBC News Komla Dumor Award, which is now in its 10th year. Journalists from across Africa are invited to apply for the award, which aims to uncover and promote fresh talent…

Floods kill At Least Nine In Botswana

Devastating floods triggered by heavy rainfall in Botswana, left at least nine people who were confirmed dead, six of whom were minors, following widespread flooding. Authorities said There has been record rainfall in the semi-arid…