CBN Affirms Security Of Cash Within Nigerian Banks


The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has released a strong affirmation of the security of cash within Nigerian banks, highlighting the country’s banking sector’s soundness.

Amid widespread unconfirmed rumours, not originating with the CBN, raising concerns about the health of Nigerian banks, the central bank of Nigeria asked the people not to panic and to continue with their usual banking activity.

To ease people’s anxieties and comfort them, the CBN emphasized its readiness and capability to carry out its stated role of maintaining a stable financial system in Nigeria.

This statement by the CBN responds to the concern caused by unverified information and seeks to reassure the public about the safety and stability of the country’s banking industry. “The Central Bank of Nigeria has noticed reports, in certain media outlets, about a recommendation for the Federal Government to take over some CBN-supervised financial institutions,” said the apex bank’s acting Director, Corporate Communications, Hakama Sidi-Ali, in a statement .“To avoid any doubt, Nigerian banks are still safe and sound. The CBN advises the public to go about their daily lives without getting disturbed by reports regarding the health of Nigerian banks that have not come from the CBN.”

The CBN is fully equipped to carry out its statutory duty of ensuring the stability of Nigeria’s financial system. “We assure the general public and depositors that their funds are safe in Nigerian financial institutions.” Bank customers are therefore advised to proceed with their banking transactions as usual, as there is no cause for concern.” Hakama stressed.



CBN/Olusola Akintonde

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