Chatham House: Pelosi Canvasses Support For Kamala Harris

Qasim Akinreti


The former US House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has canvassed global support for the election of US Vice President Kamara Harris to the office of the President in the forthcoming US Presidential election.


Speaking in a conversation with Chatham House in London, Pelosi  listed resounding character of the US Presidential candidate, Kamara Haris, such as commitment to public service as Attorney Senator and Vice President, passion for America, care for women rights, astute understanding of politics and policies affecting American people and the world generally, as attributes needed to win the coming election.


According to her’’ Kamala Harris has extensive travelling, experience and understanding of America’s role in global politics, in terms of respect to NATO pre-eminence alliance for global peace, addressing the economic issues affecting climate change, migration, wars between Russia and Ukraine, Hamas and Israelis. fundamentally, her  commitment to global ethical values”.


Nancy Pelosi submitted that Kamara Harris will made the world a safer place, ensure economic posterity and keep her promise for family values.


Trump Treat to Democracy

She noted the challenges facing the American democracy following Donald Trump’s support for insurrection after he lost the presidential election four years ago, when the Congress building was attacked by Trump’s supporters. In her words “Trump supporters desecrated the symbol of democracy and ridiculed America in the eyes of the world as bastion of democratic values.”


Assuring that the ugly event of assault on the Capital Hill on January 6th 2020 would never happen in America again as the National Guards and other security agencies would be mobilised against any insurrection.


A Peaceful World

The Former Speaker American House of Representatives made allusion to the war in Ukraine and Gaza as horrific and  total waste of lives and property, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the need to revive the two -state solution to end the middle east crisis. She regretted that Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was not interested in the two-state solution.


Pelosi called on the UN and Arab leaders to provided humanitarian and lend economic support to the people Gaza and provided a united front to end the war in the region.


Lateefah Ibrahim

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