Chemical factory fire kills 16 people in Pakistan

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Chemical factory fire has killed 16 workers in Pakistan, which broke out on the ground floor of the three-story factory.

According to the police and fire officials, the fire broke out at a multi-story chemical factory in eastern part of the city, and most windows of the factory were blocked.

Saqib Ismail Memon, deputy inspector general of Karachi’s eastern part said, “At least 16 people have died in the fire.”

“The factory had only one entry point, which was also being used as exit, and the roof exit was blocked, which badly hampered rescue efforts,” said Mubeen Ahmed, chief fire officer of the fire department.

Over 260 workers were burnt alive when a multi-storey garment factory was set on fire in September 2012 in what became the deadliest industrial blaze in Pakistan’s history.

Blazes and accidents are common in South Asia’s factories, many of which operate illegally and without proper fire safety measures.

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