China: US Brokers Release Of Three Americans Wrongly Detained


The United States brokered the release of three Americans, it said, had been wrongfully detained in China for many years, the White House said in a statement.

The White House national security council named the three as Mark Swidan, Kai Li, and John Leung and said all the U.S. citizens, it deemed to have been wrongly detained in China, will return and be reunited with their families. China says such cases are handled according to law.

Is beyond outrageous, and tramples on every concept that I hold near and dear as a lawyer, the rule of law.

Politico said the deal had taken years to finalise and that in return, a number of Chinese citizens detained in the United States would also be released.

A U.S. official said President Joe Biden had pressed for the return of the three when he met Chinese President Xi Jinping this month at a regional summit in Peru.

In September, China freed the U.S. pastor David Lin, who had been in jail since 2006.




Reuters/Shakirat Sadiq

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