Cleric Reminds Muslims On Significance Of Eid Sacrifice

By Salihu Ali, Kano


Muslims have been urged to reflect on the importance of observing the traditional animal sacrifice during Eid-ul-Adha.

Imam Ashir Abdulqadir Yakassai of Alfurqaan Jumma’at Mosque Mariri, made the call while delivering an Eid sermon in Kano.

He said the observance of the annual sacrifice is a divine injunction as ordained by the Almighty Allah.

The Imam explained that the annual sacrifice portrayed the story of prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma’il’s sacrifice as mentioned in the Quran which emphasizes the profound act of submission and devotion to the Almighty Allah.

He said, “According to Islamic tradition, Ibrahim received a divine command in a dream to sacrifice his beloved son, Isma’il (Ishmael), as a test of his faith. As Ibrahim prepared to carry out the sacrifice, God intervened and provided a ram to be sacrificed instead, signifying Ibrahim’s devotion and submission to God’s will.”

This event the Imam explained, highlights the significance of faith, sacrifice, and obedience in Islam.

Among animals to be sacrificed according to Imam Yakassai, include Ram goat, sheep, cow, or camel.

He said Eid ul-Adha encourages Muslims to reflect on the importance of sacrifice and service to others. 

The Imam emphasized the values of compassion, humility, and gratitude toward Allah’s blessings.

He said the festival fosters unity, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries as it reinforces the importance of family ties and social harmony as Muslims come together to celebrate and strengthen their faith.

Some Muslims interviewed thanked Allah for witnessing the day.

Prayers were offered for Kano, Nigeria and the safe return of pilgrims from Saudi Arabia.


Lantana Nasir

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