Commander hails troops for sustaining peace, checkmating crime

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The Acting Force Commander, Operation Whirl Stroke (OPWS), Brig.-General Clement Apere, has commended troops for their resilience and doggedness in the fight against crime in their Areas of Responsibility (AOR).

Apere gave the commendation during his maiden operational visit to troops’ locations in Nasarawa and Benue States.

The Deputy Director, Defence Information, Air Commodore Wap Maigida, disclosed this in a statement on Wednesday in Abuja.

Apere said “the troops had checkmated banditry, kidnapping and other criminality posing threats to the peace and stability of communities within Nasarawa, Benue and other adjoining states.”

He pledged to prioritise the welfare of troops and enhance their operational efficiency, while urging them to remain patriotic and redouble efforts in the sustenance of peace and security within their AOR.

According to him, “the Chief of Defence Staff and the service chiefs have promised that welfare of troops fighting insecurity in the country remains one of their topmost priorities.”

He said that “the government was working towards acquiring more equipment to energise the fighting spirit of troops in the theatres of operation, to yield the desired results in quelling insecurity within the nation at large.”

The commander explained that the visit had provided him the opportunity to have an on-the-spot assessment of the challenges that the troops were facing with regards the operations.

He also commended the field commanders and urged them to maintain the tempo in order to guarantee the safety of lives and properties of the civilian populace in the states.

Apere further urged residents to continue to provide credible information that would aid the operations.


NAN/Mercy Chukwudiebere

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