Deputy Senate President Reaffirms Nigeria’s Commitment To Address Challenges

By Salihu Ali, Kano


Nigeria’s Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Barau Jibrin has reiterated Government’s commitment in addressing  the challenges facing the country.

Senator Jibrin made this known shortly after observing Eid prayers in his home town, Kabo Local Government Area (LGA) of Kano North Senatorial District.

Senator Barau along with his entourage observed the eid prayers amid mammoth crowd as residents across Kabo LGA who trooped out to perform the prayers.

Speaking after the prayers, Senator Barau said he observed the Eid prayers in his home town to celebrate and connect with his constituents – relatives, friends and supporters.

While reiterating Nigeria’s Government readiness in addressing current hardship, Senator Jibrin urged Nigerians to continue to pray for peace, security and prosperity of the country.

“We should all pray for peace and security in our country. The president is doing his best to address the challenges we are facing in the country. 

“We should continue to support him. The current situation we are facing has a global dimension. So, we should continue to support and pray for him so that what he is doing to address the challenges will become successful,” he said.

According to him, “the choice to celebrate eid in my home town is to rejoice and connect with my people. This is my home town and as you can see the people are very happy and excited to see me. So, this is necessary every time.

“This is a period of sacrifice and celebration. So, we should all thank Almighty Allah for his blessings. We should also pray for our leaders and obey them, where they are right. This is the teaching of our prophet, Muhammad PBUH.”

Earlier in his sermon, the Chief Imam of Kabo, who led the two raka’at prayers, Malam Jaafaru Mustapha, preached for tolerance and unity, urging all to pray and support leaders.

A special prayer were offered for the nation.


Confidence Okwuchi

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