Eid Prayers: NOA Calls For National Unity

By Mnena Iyorkegh, Abuja


Director General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Lanre Issa-Onilu has called on  Muslims and all Nigerians to pray continuously for the nation and its leadership at all levels in line with Islamic doctrine.

In a message to Nigerians on the celebration of Eid Al Adha, Issa-Onilu said  Nigerians and the Muslim ummah should not relent but use the opportunity to pray for the good of the nation and God-fearing leaders at all levels during this period.

According to him, there is a need for  Nigerian  Citizens to imbibe the virtues of sacrifice, peace, love and respect for constituted authority for the progress, peace and development, the nation desires.

I urged all Nigerians to take responsibility and a collective effort to hand over to the next generation a peaceful, united, prosperous and developed Nigeria,” he said.

While wishing the Muslim Ummah a happy Eid ul ADHA celebration, the NOA boss said that President Tinubu’s administrator is committed to safeguarding the lives and property of all Nigerians in respective political, tribal and religious affiliations.


Lantana Nasir

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