Endocrinologist recommends white fish for diabetes patients to boost immunity


An Endocrinologist with Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital, Bauchi, Dr Ayuba Mugana has advised diabetes patients to consume more white fish to boost immunity and for healthy lifestyle.

He gave the advice in an interview that white fish is a group of fish with white flesh and mild flavor, different from oily fish like salmon and tuna.

“Common types of white fish include cod, haddock, and sole, which are known for their versatility in cooking.”

The endocrinologist, who specialises in treating health conditions related to body hormones such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, infertility, among others, said that the fish contain properties such as Protein,  Potassium, Iron  and Zinc, Mineral and Vitamins.

He added that, “Consuming the animal is important for human heart, brain development and maintaining normal blood level.

“Fish is important for the nerve, bone and muscles too.’’

Mugana warned against consuming fish with high mercury to avert health complications, and cautioned industries to desist from polluting sources of water with chemicals.

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