EU poll: Giorgia Meloni Gets Personal As Italy Votes


Italians have started voting on the third of four days of European elections held across 27 EU countries.

Although the vote is for the next European Parliament, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is hoping the result will tighten her grip on Italian politics. She has even urged voters to “just write Giorgia” on their ballots.

“Most EU countries are voting on Sunday, after a turbulent few weeks in which two European leaders and several other politicians come under physical attack.”

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted in the street in Copenhagen on Friday evening, ahead of Sunday’s Danish vote.

She has suffered minor whiplash, her office says, and a suspect has been remanded in custody.

Latest Attack

Leaders across Europe have united in shock at the latest attack, in the middle of elections involving a potential 373 million European voters.

Last month, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico survived an attempt on his life and only recently was allowed out of hospital. Several German political figures have also been targeted.

These elections are not supposed to have a bearing on national politics, but the reality is very different, especially in Italy.

Ms Meloni, who leads the far-right Brothers of Italy (FdI), was appointed prime minister in 2022 and has taken the rare step of putting her name at the top of her party’s ballot, even though she has no intention of taking up a seat in the European Parliament.

“Giorgia Meloni has enjoyed steady poll-ratings since becoming prime minister in 2022,” buoyed by a fragmentated centrist and left-wing opposition and the gradual decline of her junior coalition partner, Matteo Salvini’s once-powerful populist League party, whose voters are being lured by the pull of FdI.

In a bid to reverse the trend, Mr Salvini has been pushing his party’s rhetoric further to the right.

The League’s electoral posters – denouncing all manner of EU-backed initiatives, from electric cars to tethered caps on plastic bottles – have attracted some ridicule but also considerable attention.

Mr Salvini’s lead candidate, Roberto Vannacci, has had the same effect. The army general was dismissed following self-publication of a book in which he expressed homophobic and racist views. Since becoming a League candidate, he has doubled down on them.

Hardly a day goes by when Roberto Vannacci’s messages are not amplified by the media. That could translate into votes for the League, but if it doesn’t, then trouble might be in store for Mr Salvini, whose leadership is beginning to be questioned.

The same scrutiny will be applied to the results of the left-wing Democratic Party (PD), whose leader Elly Schlein will hope to match the 19% of the vote it won in the 2019 elections if she is to stay in her post.

Further to the left, all eyes will be on Ilaria Salis – a self-described antifascist activist who has been detained in Hungary since 2023 on charges of participating in the beating of three far-right militants and being part of a criminal association. She is now running on the Left/Greens platform.

Italians will be able to cast their votes until late on Sunday evening when elsewhere in Europe, the elections have already wrapped up.





BBC/Shakirat Sadiq

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