FCT Police command records milestone achievements in fight against crime

Mohammed Hussaini, Abuja 

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The Federal Capital Territory Police Command says the Command is determine to maintain its mandate of safeguarding lives and properties within the FCT.

The Commissioner of Police C.P Sunday Babaji Stated while parading suspects of Armed Robbery, Kidnapping for Ransom and other heinous crimes in the Territory.

In this regard, the Command has massively deployed personnel to flash points in and around the FCT Babaji revealed.

The Police Commissioner lamented that the Command have intensified vehicular and foot patrols, diligent stop and search operations, intelligence-based crime fighting strategies and constant raids on blackspots especially drug spots.

Furthermore, in line with global standard shift in policing, the Command has continued to improve upon its community policing strategies by regularly engaging the community to provide actionable intelligence for proactive policing within the Federal Capital Territory.

C.P Babji reiterated that its worthy of note that one of the high points of the Command’s recent achievements was the cracking of a notorious kidnapping syndicate where positive arrests were made and arms and ammunitions were recovered.

He added that “I want to use this medium to appeal to residents to be more security conscious and provide timely information in case of emergency as our phone lines are in circulation.

 At this juncture, I want to sound a note of warning to criminal elements within the FCT to desist from their criminal activities or face the full wrath of the law.  Also I wish to reiterate the ban on tinted vehicles and covered number plates within the FCT as all violators will be arrested and prosecuted accordingly”.

The Commissioner assures  residents of the Command’s resolved commitment toward the protection of lives and property within the Federal Capital Territory.

Also expressed gratitude to the Inspector General of Police IGP. Alkali Baba Usman, the Honourable Minister of the FCT, Mallam  Muhammed Musa Bello for their dogged support towards the FCT Command.

All  arrested Suspects will be charged to Court after investigation.






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