FCT to Eliminate Quacks, Indolence Using AI


The Director of the Federal Capital Territory Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation (DSTI), Dr. Olabashola Kolawole, has stated that Artificial Intelligence (AI) usage will help eliminate quacks and indolence from the system.

Kolawole made this remark during an interview at a two-day workshop aimed at equipping DSTI staff with knowledge of AI in Abuja on Thursday.

He explained that AI refers to the capability of computerised machines, devices, and applications to perform tasks typically carried out by humans.

Kolawole emphasized that individuals who are not competent or diligent would be identified and removed when they fail to meet the standards set by the training.

“We don’t need to go back to how things were, that’s why we want to use this artificial intelligence to eradicate quacks, indolence, and people that are not good in the system.

“This artificial intelligence will serve as a backup, so that is also why we are organising this training,” he said.

The director also suggested that keeping up with the current trend of training on artificial intelligence is imperative for Nigeria, as falling behind is not an option.

He noted that the workshop was conducted in partnership with the Ibrosoft International Development Foundation, serving as a train-the-trainer program.

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He said that the participants included school principals from the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), along with three specialized science teachers from each school, in addition to diligent staff from the headquarters.

He revealed that once the teachers are trained, they will return to their classrooms and introduce the concept of artificial intelligence to the students.

“We intend to catch them young so that the artificial intelligence goes through them.

“We have been directed that we have no reason for any student to fail or lag behind in science and technology.

“How are we going to explain to the new authority in FCT about failure and laxity, so that forms part of the reason for this workshop,” Kolawole said.

He emphasized that artificial intelligence technology holds significant importance and versatility, capable of deployment in various fields such as space exploration, military operations, medicine, academia, and beyond.

Kolawole affirmed that his department is committed to keeping pace with advancements, especially considering the FCT’s stringent stance against laziness under the current administration.

Ibrahim Abdullahi, the Director-General of Ibrosoft International Development Foundation, informed NAN that the workshop aims to enhance the skill set of DSTI staff.

He elaborated that the training would empower them to execute tasks requiring human intelligence more efficiently, thereby alleviating workplace challenges.

Abdullahi highlighted that the training would acquaint participants with and enable them to utilize powerful applications of artificial intelligence.

Mrs. Angela Nwachukwu, Director of the Technology Acquisition and Promotion unit at FCT DSTI, and a workshop participant, expressed confidence that the training would enhance their productivity, simplify their tasks, and facilitate easier access to information.

Source NAN

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