Frequent Exercise lowers risk of early death – KWASU Prof

By Tunde Akanbi, Ilorin


Nigerians have been enjoined to embrace healthy lifestyle through frequent exercise in order to forestall the risk of early death, heart diseases and stroke.

A Professor of Exercise Science and Sports Psychology in the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, Kwara State University (KWASU), Professor Ibrahim Laro Abubakar stated this while delivering his inaugural lecture at the university.

His remark is part of recommendations in the Fifteenth Inaugural lecture of the varsity titled, “Man’s limitation of himself against the potentials and gifts from His Creator: A psychological perspective” delivered at KWASU, Malete, Kwara State, North Central Nigeria.

Abubakar noted that frequent exercise can help a person to reduce the risk of early death by 30% and that of coronary heart diseases and stroke by 35% and that it helps to prevent dullness and illness.

He said, “There is strong evidence that regular exercise can reduce the risk of major illness by up to 50%, lower risk of early death by up to 30%, and lower risk of coronary heart diseases and stroke by 35%.

“I, therefore, recommend that to prevent dullness and illness including other forms of limitations, an individual needs at least between 10 minutes and 1 hour daily exercise and activities like walking, riding horses, cycling as well as Aerobics,” he said.

The don added that, “An active lifestyle through high level of participation in physical activities often promote a healthy living that made man to be unlimited and to possess richness in terms of Health status.”

Abubakar also encouraged KWASU and other employers to adopt the system of interjecting long meetings with exercise breaks in order to reduce meeting stress and tension, promote active participation and contribution at such meetings by all participants.

“Any meeting up to and stretching over 2 hours shall be interjected with a minimum of 10 minutes stretching and walk. This will help to reduce meeting stress and tension, promote active participation and contribution at such meetings by all participants, rejuvenate nerves and encourages concentration and attention,” he stressed further.

He disclosed that individual is expected to cultivate the habit of smiling because it’s one of the ultimate anti- depressants that decreases and eradicate limitations to human existence.

“Each day of our existence, we should be able to make at least three (3) people to smile as well, regardless of any circumstance. In laughing and smiling lies happiness,” he said.

Abubakar also spoke on the importance of good rest, relaxation, recreation, and sleep, saying that constant relaxation and sleep helps to calm the nerves of stress and tension.

“Other forms of activities that should be performed by an individual are good rest, relaxation, recreation, and sleep. Individuals should create time to rest, sleep, relax and recreate no matter the circumstances, because it is in this that you and I are blessed. This indeed helps to calm the nerves of stress and tension,” he said.

Abubakar similarly urged Nigerians to always eat well, saying that, “To prevent dullness, an individual must be able to eat well, especially taking breakfast. With these eating habits, the generality of the people will be avoiding limitations to boost appropriate living. Surely good food brings happy mood.”

Dignatories from all walks of life including the Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor Shaykh Luqman Jimoh who chaired the occasion graced the occasion.


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