German military to send medical staff, equipment to Portugal

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Germany’s military will send medical staff and equipment to Portugal, where space in hospital intensive care units is running out after a surge in coronavirus infections, the defence ministry in Berlin has said on Sunday.

Portugal, which said that only seven of 850 ICU beds set up for COVID-19 cases on its mainland were vacant, had asked the German government for help.

“We will support Portugal with medical staff and equipment,” a defence ministry spokesman said, adding that details were expected to be announced early this week.

Portugal, which has reported 12,179 COVID-19 deaths and 711,018 cases, has the world’s highest seven-day rolling average of cases and deaths per capita, according to data tracker

German magazine Spiegel said the military planned to send 27 doctors and paramedics to Portugal who were initially supposed to remain there for three weeks, as well as stationary and mobile ventilators and field beds for patients.

Responding to that report, the defence ministry spokesman said he could not immediately provide any details.

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