Global Hand Washing: Nigeria plans disease prevention through hand hygiene

By Zeniat Abubakar Abuja


The Nigerian government says it will continue to promote proper hand washing as a strategic move to equip the nation in its fight against disease outbreaks as well as global threats such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The government said it will also provide the needed facilities and enablement to make hand washing at home, at work and in all daily activities seamless and easy.

Nigeria’s Minister of State for Environment Dr Iziaq Salako stated this at the 2024 Global Hand washing Day Commemoration held in Abuja the nation’s capital, with the theme “Why Are Clean Hands Still Important”.

He said hand hygiene is one of the most effective and simplest ways to stop the spread of virus.

“Hand hygiene inclusion in government plans and funding not only improves health but also boosts the economy by reducing the burden on health services and promoting high healthcare standards. It also contributes to attaining multiple targets of the Sustainable Development Goals on Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), nutrition, education, health and economic growth.”  he said.

The Minister said that the Global Hand washing day not only seeks to raise awareness on the importance of effective hand washing, but serves as a platform for commitment at global, regional and national levels.

Dr Salako also stated that Ministry in collaboration with stakeholders cutting across government at all levels, has taken steps to deliver adequate sanitation and hygiene services to the citizenry.

“These measures include capacity building, provision of handwashing facilities in schools, advocacy/sensitization, environmental health surveillance of public places, development of policies, regulatory and legislative frame works, implementation of relevant programmes and projects, establishment of relevant regulatory and enforcement agencies e.t.c.” He explained.

The Minister further stressed that effective collaboration of all stakeholders is imperative, adding that every individual, organization or business has a role to play in promoting hand hygiene.

According to him, “About 1.8 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, the top two killers of young children around the world. Children and other vulnerable population are more prone to such diseases because of poor knowledge about the importance and practice of effective hand washing.” 

WaterAid Nigeria Country Director, Evelyn Mere represented by Mrs Theodora Igboaruka said WaterAid will continue to join forces with all stakeholders, especially government at all levels to strengthen systems and build the necessary partnerships to bring good hygiene within the reach of everyone everywhere.

“We need to take concrete action to ensure that everyone everywhere can practice handwashing, We must re-think our behavioural change approaches to nudge people to wash their hands as frequently as possible.”

“It is not sufficient to provide hygiene facilities without providing the requisite education that would move people from awareness to action. The gap between knowledge and practice that must be closed urgently because the results we want to achieve lie therein.” She said.

She further stressed the urgent need to appraise the status of the National Hand Hygiene Roadmap that was launched in September 2022 for possible review and costing.

“This is because there is only one year left for the roadmap target date of 2025. WaterAid is already collaborating with UNICEF and WHO to undertake this activity, which we hope will help chart a way forward in its implementation.” She said.

National Coordinator OPWASH, Dr Nicholas Igwe said OPWASH will continue to support the Federal Ministry of Environment to promote hand hygiene campaigns awareness.

“We have been supporting the FCT with washing facilities worth over 1.2 millon Naira, over the years we have recognized the importance of private sector supporting not only at the Federal level but also at the state level, two weeks ago we have partners with the Ministry of Environment we have created a robust structure in different states” he said.

National President Market Men, Women Association of Nigeria, Mrs Felicia Sani emphasised on washing of hands especially when handling money as market people curtail the spread of diseases.

The United Nations General Assembly in 2008 declared 15th October of every year as Global Hand washing Day.

The day is to create and promote awareness and understanding about the importance of hand washing as an easy, effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.



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