Green World Association calls for preservation of medicinal plants

By Aanya Igomu, Abuja


The Green World Association for Medicinal Plants has stressed the importance of replanting medicinal plants in order to preserve and protect them from extinction.


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In a Press statement, the Global President of the Green World Association for medicinal plants, Dr. Ibrahim Dada Nakowa, said orthodox medicines are increasingly failing to address health challenges hence the importance of preserving natural plants that are also used to treat health challenges.


He further decried the alarming rate at which medicinal plants are disappearing due to over exploitation and unsustainable practices, adding that it is a pressing concern.


Describing the plants as valuable resources, Dr. Nakowa’s called on the society to take collective responsibility to preserve the plants by developing the habit of cultivating, planting and replanting with a view to ensuring their availability for future generations.


He further urged the society to embrace traditional medicines, which have been used for centuries to cure various diseases and health challenges.


“By promoting the conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants, we can safeguard our health, well-being, the world and the environment globally, he added.

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