Group calls for investigation over alleged plot to undermine Government

Aanya Igomu

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The group Yoruba Appraisal Forum, YAF has called on the Nigerian government and security agencies to investigate and arrests individuals trying to undermine President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration through the call for Yoruba self-determination and independence.

The Forum’s National Coordinator, Mr Adesina Animashaun made the call during a motorcade it organised in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, in continuation of its sensitisation of the people of the South-West to the need for a united Nigeria.

It would be recalled that the Forum has already visited several South-West states in Nigeria in its sensitisation campaign.

Mr Animashaun said that YAF has uncovered alleged plots by some top leaders to promote agitations in the South-West.

“It has come to YAF’s notice that a disgruntled former leader of this country and other politicians, working in collaboration with their allies in other parts of the world, has begun some clandestine meetings in one of the South-West states, with the ultimate objective of undermining and bringing down the incumbent administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, out of sheer malice.

“YAF has identified these disgruntled leaders, particularly northern clerics and some politicians in the South-West and other parts of the country as the core and nucleus of these group of unpatriotic leaders plotting against President Buhari.

“YAF makes bold to tell all Nigerians that this group of disgruntled leaders has concluded plans to hold a meeting in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory on Thursday, June 10, 2021 to finetune the strategy for their plot” he said.

The YAF coordinator, therefore, called on security agencies and the government to nip such plans in the boards which he said could cause unrest in the country.

“It is, therefore, imperative for the Federal Government to nip the burgeoning insurrection now threatening to arise from the South-West under such a smokescreen, in the bud. Having another rebellion from the South-West would be one crisis too many for a country still struggling to combat the Boko Haram insurgency in the North East, banditry and cattle rustling in the North West and North Central areas as well the current IPOB militancy in the South-East and South-South.

“The Federal Government, the Armed Forces and other security agencies should take urgent steps to stop the Yoruba independence agitators and freedom fighters now before they set the entire country ablaze.

“A stitch in time, they say, saves nine. We must not watch idly as the enemies of the country hide under the smokescreen of agitating for Yoruba self-determination and independence to engage in activities that are not only inimical, but also injurious to the continued corporate existence of the entire Nigerian nation, Animashaun added.

According to Mr. Animashaun, the Forum has sent petitions on these alleged plans to the President, leaders of the National Assembly and other relevant authorities.


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