Group donates cash to 150 indigent patients in Sokoto


A voluntary organization, Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI), distributed cash assistance to 150 indigent patients receiving treatment in various hospitals across Sokoto metropolis.

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The Acting Coordinator of the organisation, Dr Abubakar Maishanu, said ADSI initiated the voluntary support scheme to aid the needy persons in the community.

He said, “The present rising inflation and other associated economic fluctuations have subjected the people to hardship and expressed optimism that the cash support would assist the patients.

“The organisation had conducted skills empowerment training to some indigent persons to enhance people’s livelihoods and make them self-reliant.”

Maishanu explained that Sokoto was part of the states in northern Nigeria faced with challenges of poverty, low education, unemployment, insecurity and other challenges bedevilling the region.

He said, “We consider youths and women empowerment as the panacea of solving many programmes in the region.

“ADSI collaborates with agencies and institutions to inculcate moral discipline, create employment opportunities and enhance schools enrollments.”

Maishanu urged wealthy individuals and professionals to join the voluntary group to contribute their widow’s mite to facilitate its empowerment programmes.

According to him, the hospitals covered included: Specialists Hospital, Maryam Abacha Women and Children Hospital, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) and WCWC Health Centre in Sokoto metropolis.

Earlier, the Chief Medical Director of UDUTH, Prof. Anas Sabir, commended the organisation for the initiative and urged its leadership to attract more members to join the voluntary group.


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