HIV/STI: Nigeria launches consolidated service delivery guidelines

Gloria Essien, Abuja

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The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) has launched a national consolidated service delivery guideline on HIV and STIs for key populations in Nigeria.

The guideline outlines public health response to HIV and STI for the key populations in Nigeria.

The Director General of NACA, Dr. Gambo Aliyu, who launched the guideline said that in August 2020, NACA engaged the services of the Henry Jackson Foundation Medical Research International (HJFMRI) as a sub-recipient under the Global Fund contract, to develop a consolidated document that will define the implementation of programs and services for key populations and the children of key populations in Nigeria.

He also said that the document will provide guidance packages of HIV and STI services and performance indicators for monitoring and evaluation of these services across the country.

Prevalence among key population
Aliyu said that the Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance Survey (IBBSS) showed that the national HIV prevalence is higher among key populations.  HIV services for key populations and children of key populations remain largely inadequate and so the HIV incidence within this group of persons continues to increase.

“These guidelines aim to provide a comprehensive package of evidence-based HIV and STI-related recommendations for all key populations and children of key populations.  It will increase awareness of the needs of key populations; improve access and coverage; establish standardized package of services; facilitate uptake of responsive and acceptable services; and catalyze greater national commitment and resourcing to sustain services”, he said.

According to Dr. Aliyu Gambo, “these guidelines are intended to redefine the existing approaches and serve as reference for the delivery of all facility-based and community-based HIV and STI prevention, care and treatment services in the country.”  

He said that ultimately, the document will be an important tool in the delivery of health services, support efforts towards strengthening HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs and address cross-cutting issues such as stigma, violence and mental health as critical enablers of service delivery.

Improving quality of care
The Country Director US Department of Defence, Dr Laura Chittenden, said that the launch marks an exciting milestone in improving the quality of care for those affected and infected by HIV.

“Yet globally, ensuring that HIV service packages include the goods and services specific to those most vulnerable to the disease remains a challenge”, she said.

She added that general service delivery sometimes does not cover key populations.

Addressing HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
Director Community Prevention Care and Support Services of NACA, Alex Ogundipe, said that the guideline is neither to encourage or discourage the activities of Key Population but to have a valid document to address HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.

A national technical working team led by NACA made up of subject matter experts and stakeholders was established.

The team was chaired by NACA and comprised representatives from the Federal Ministry of Health/HIV AIDS division, Nigerian Correctional Service (NCS), Nigerian Police Force (NPF), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), national ministry of justice, Human Rights Commission, academia, programme-implementers, and key population networks and organizations.

The team jointly implemented state and site level learning activities, reviewed, and validated the final content of this national guidelines.

Key Population
Key populations are people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, transgender persons, sex workers and prisoners. Around the world, key populations face much higher rates of HIV and AIDS than the general population and are most at risk for contracting HIV.

UNAIDS estimates that 40% to 50% of all new HIV infections may occur between individuals in key populations and their immediate partners.

Under-reporting is common within key populations due to fear of stigma, backlash and discrimination, according to the UNAIDS.

In Nigeria, sex workers, men who have sex with men and people who inject drugs make up only 3.4% of the population, yet they account for about 32% of new infections.


Nneka Ukachukwu


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