Human rights Commission, CASER partner to protect Nigerians

Salihu Ali, Abuja

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The National Human rights Commission in Nigeria and Citizens Advocacy for Social and Economic Rights CASER have pledged to work together to protect and defend the rights of all Nigerians despite challenges in human rights protection.

The two organisations made the commitment at a Human Rights fiesta as part of activities marking the international day of Human rights in Abuja.

The International Human Rights Day observed every year, is a day adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

The UDHR declaration is a milestone document, which proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

The declaration was made available in more than 500 languages making it is the most translated document in the world.

According to the Executive Secretary National Human rights Commission, Mr Anthony Ojukwu human rights is the liberty of all which must be enjoyed by everyone.

He called on human rights defenders to do more in defending people whose rights are violated, urging Nigerians to forward violations and abuses of rights to the Commission.

“We want to see that our country to be a country where there would be no human rights violations and that if there are any violations there would be a remedy for whose rights has been violated.”

He said, “the challenges to human rights violations are enormous and the Commission will not relent in ensuring that human rights get to the nooks and crannies Nigeria.”

The Executive Director Citizens Advocacy for Social and Economic Rights CASER Mr Frank Tie – Tie urged the Nigerian government to consider the rights of Nigerians and address them.

He noted that human rights must be advocated and the organisation is ready to carry the crusade.

Also, the Chairman Board of trustees Citizens Advocacy for Social and Economic Rights CASER Mr Gbenga Onoyiga said that human rights must be enforced, calling on Nigerians to know their rights and ask for it.

The theme of Human Rights Day 2021 is Reducing inequalities and Advancing human rights.



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